
A promise that shall never be broken pt1

Today we go into a brand new teaching series called Covenant. What is a covenant? To know and walk in covenant should be the very foundation of every believer in the kingdom. Rabbi Spivie gives us 7 questions throughout this teaching series that will help paint a better picture on the understanding of covenant in the bible. Here are the 7 questions.

1. What is a covenant?

2. What is the difference between covenant and contract?

3. What are the covenants in the bible?

4. Why does G-D care so much about covenants?

5. Hasn't the new covenants set me free from the old covenants?

6. When G-D gave a new covenant did HE do away with the previous one?

7. As a gentile, how do I part-take in these covenants G-D made with Israel?